Specialist Chinese Language Training

BICC Specialist Chinese Language Training for Postgraduate Students

2013-14 BICC Basic and Intermediate Language Course timetable

2013-14 BICC Upper-Intermediate Language Course timetable

BICC Basic and Intermediate Language Course 2013-2014

First Intensive Teaching Week: 28 September–2 October 2013

First Online Learning Term: 14 October–6 December 2013

Second Intensive Teaching Week: 6-10 January 2014 (Can be discussed with the participants)

Second Online Learning Term 20 January–15th March 2014 (Can be discussed with the participants)

Third Intensive Teaching Week: 14-19 April 2014 (Can be discussed with the participants)

All the participants who are attending the First Intensive Teaching Week must arrive at the Institute for Chinese Studies (Walton Street, Oxford, OX1 2HG) 10 am, 28 Sept 2013 for briefing.

First Intensive Teaching Week Timetable for Basic Level 9:30-1 (apart from the first day)

First Intensive Teaching Week Timetable for Intermediate Level 2-5:30

Chinese Language Course for Researchers at Upper-intermediate Level

This course will consist of three sessions of intensive teaching in late September, mid-April and early September. Each teaching session will be followed by a term (8-9 weeks) of online learning with feedback from the BICC language teachers. A formal language test will take place at the end of the second intensive session in April.
The course will focus on reading speaking and listening skills, but there will be reinforcement and enhancement of these skills though the written tasks.
1. To encourage the development of a high level of learner autonomy in the field of Chinese language study
2. To enable learners to put a wide range of essential communication skills into practice
3. To enable learners to read Chinese newspapers and relevant texts with confidence
Students will have to spend at least two hours a day studying new materials, and revising spoken and written texts and lexis.

If you have any questions about the course, please contact Mr Shio-yun Kan, BICC Language Coordinatorshioyun.kan@orinst.ox.ac.uk

CLCR Language Programme – WebLearn Workspace for Course

These courses will consist of three week-long sessions of intensive teaching in late September, early January and late March. Each teaching session will be followed by a term of online learning with feedback from the BICC language teachers. A formal language test will take place at the end of the second intensive session in April.


These courses will focus on reading and speaking skills, but there will be reinforcement and enhancement of these skills though the use of aural and written tasks.


·    To encourage the development of a high level of learner autonomy in the field of Chinese language study
·    To enable learners to put a wide range of essential communication skills into practice
·    To enable learners to read Chinese newspapers and relevant texts with confidence

Students will have to spend at least two hours a day studying new materials, and revising spoken and written texts and lexis.